Experimenting with new products!

Since the launch day on Saturday we have had so many people interested and signing up for the subscription box. It's amazing! So I thought I'd better get a move on and start my experimenting. 

Not only do I enjoy lighting the Soy Wax Melts but I also enjoy a candle. I've been lighting candles in my home for my entire adult life. I really enjoy the feeling of warmth and comfort they give off as well as a beautiful scent. However I have been finding them a bit boring of late. They often come in plain glass jars, with little or no decoration and look very much the same sitting on my sideboard. So I thought I'd do something different. 

So I set to procuring some unique glasses and cups in which to add my experiments. It took me a little while to decide on what I would like to bring you all, because I wanted it to be high quality and quirky. But your patience will be rewarded I can assure you.

I wont tell you what scents I used, I want to be able to surprise you when I have the candle range ready to launch on the website. But I will tell you that they are highly scented and tested too. I enjoyed that part the most! 

If you have any ideas or suggestions fell free to get in contact. Every idea is worth mentioning, you never know I might not of heard it yet. 

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