Meet the Team: Rachel

Meet the team: Rachel

Rachel joined the Cosy Aromas team in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in May 2020! Rachel is responsible for packaging and dispatching all your lovely orders, but do you know which celebrities she would invite to a dinner party?

Find out more about Rachel below.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

I’d always wanted to be a primary school teacher. I love kids and the idea of teaching a range of subjects as opposed to just sticking to one really appealed to me!

Describe your job in three words

Busy, fun and entertaining!

What does your average day at Cosy Aromas HQ involve?

My average day involves taking all your wonderful orders as they come in, picking all the scents you have chosen from our shelves in the warehouse and then packaging them up for you so that they’re ready to be dispatched.

Sometimes I’ll help with popping stickers on our products too – it’s an oddly satisfying job!

What's your favourite Cosy Aromas scent?

Definitely Coconut Lime – it’s divine!

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work?

I love to relax and read. Chilling out with a good book is the best feeling in the world. I also love to see my friends and family where possible. I’m always game for a barbeque!

What piece of advice would you give your teenage self?

I’d definitely say: “Rachel, stop worrying about everything so much and have more fun!”

There might be things that happen where you think it’s the end of the world, but it’s not, enjoy every second of life while you still can!

Which three celebrities – dead or alive – would you have to a dinner party?

I’d choose Tom Hardy for obvious reasons (he’s so handsome!), then it would be my hero Beyoncé and the one and only Elvis Presley.

If you could have any super power, what would you choose and why?

I’d love to be invisible! I’m super nosy so I’d be able to spy on other people’s conversations and then if I need to, I can hide away where nobody could find me.

What’s one thing your Cosy Aromas colleagues might not know about you?

Everyone knows everything about me! I’m an open book and we’re a very tight-knit team!

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